About Us |
A podcast about life and faith that is welcoming, affirming, and encouraging to others...and yourself.
faith, affirming, inclusive, lgbt, diversity
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About Us

About Us

About Us

Welcoming. Affirming. Encouraging.

The Ocean Podcast is more than a guy talking about life and faith. We are fostering a virtual community gathering place that is open, affirming, and encouraging for everyone. Through this podcast, we hope to see people reconnect with the God they thought rejected them, to reconstruct the faith they thought they couldn’t have, and to reignite a passion for life that is meaningful and impactful in this world. You can join us on this journey and play a huge role in helping create this safe space where a diverse group of people with widely varying stories can join as one community–as one big ocean of humanity–in making faith more accessible for all.

Our Host

Our Host

Our Host


Adam Mosley, HOST

From the hills of East Tennessee to the Rift Valley in Kenya, Adam Mosley has had a life full of ups and downs. Over the past 20+ years, Adam has spent time as a corporate recruiter, the marketing director for a record label, executive director of a coworking space, and multiple roles at churches large and small, including his pioneering work as Lead Pastor of Trinity Vineyard Church Nakuru, Kenya.


The Ocean Podcast is the culmination of a lifetime of not quite fitting in with the church crowd, still loving Jesus, and falling in love with the people Jesus loved…everyone, especially those who have been marginalized by, kicked out of, and wounded by churches and faith communities.


Adam currently resides in Athens, GA with his wife, Melody, and their two daughters.